Enter by the Narrow Gate

"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."
Matthew 7:13-14

July 22, 2012


time to reflect
This summer I have been enthralled with reading a couple of old books by Agnes Sanford (The Healing Light and Behold Your God).  I would love to share more about her remarkable experiences with healing prayer which make me want to re-visit my John 14:12 blog, but right now the message that is being formed in my mind is about our destiny as children of the God of the Universe.
not meant to just go 'round and 'round
I looked up destiny and the dictionary said “The predetermined course of events often conceived of as a resistless power” and “that to which any person or thing is destined”.  Destine means “to decree beforehand, as by divine will”.  So how do you and I think about our destiny or  the  purpose of our lives most days?  If you are like me, it’s probably in terms of things we do, schedules to keep, commitments made, relationships we're in.  But in quiet moments of prayer or worship, I think more deeply about who I am and the purpose of my life. 

he is uniquely and beautifully made!
Psalm 139:16 has been powerful in my journey of psychological healing -  “your eyes saw my unformed body.  All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”   That is such a comfort because it says that it’s not up to me to invent myself!  People talk about re-inventing themselves, and if that means having the freedom to change, then I can see the positive in that.  But if you believe that you’re just plopped down on the earth and expected to make something of yourself, then that feels like a lot of pressure to me.

So what might God mean about his children having a destiny and days ordained for them?  I think that everyone restored through Christ has a part to play in God’s original plan for His children to be fruitful, subdue the earth, and rule over the other living creatures (Genesis 1:28).  And in Christ we are part of Jesus’ plan for His brothers and sisters to make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19).  The part of these plans that each of us is built to fulfill is something which becomes more apparent as we grow in our relationship with God, develop the skills we have, use our gifts and discover our passions. 

God has created each of us with a calling beyond ourselves, and it is a truly glorious purpose for our life.  Do you hear it as a loud and clear desire, or has it been reduced to a faint whisper in your heart?   Be strengthened and encouraged that you have unique wiring and unique experiences that give you a perspective on something that God wants to use to bless others. 

heading for the heights
There is no way to miss the messages bombarding us about life and our place in it, but if we truly believe what God says (and who God is!), what might happen?  Where might He lead us and what might He accomplish through us?  I heard a friend say that the concept of limits on her life had no meaning to her.  I had to track her down and ask her to explain this bold statement!  She said that God’s potential to do something through her was so far beyond her own imagination that the idea of limitations seemed irrelevant.  She was thinking in terms of what would limit God, not what could limit her.  She saw no limit to God’s acceptance and love of her or God’s desire to use her for His Kingdom.  Therefore she saw no limits on what she could do in life.

 What might you do if you knew from the outset that you could not ultimately fail?  That's a great question because in Christ, we can't.  We may have hardships and challenges and pain, but because Christ is our victory, we cannot fail -- unless we give up or don't try in the first place.

what lies ahead in your land?
I have always thought the story of the Israelites first look at their Promised Land was so tragic.  The men who went to explore found it as wonderful as God had said it would be, but they had no faith that He would keep His promise to give it to them.  They saw very real blessings and very real obstacles, but not a very real God with them.  They looked at the giants in the land and felt like grasshoppers.  They forgot the miracles God had done on their behalf.  They forgot that He was giving them the land destined to be their home.  They had only to believe and stand firm in God’s promises to possess that home.

So it’s all about God and all about His love.  So, once again let us stand firm!  Let us not be moved from God’s love! Stand firm in God's love, in your forgiveness, in your blessedness, in your righteousness before Him.  Take up your helmet and shield and sword.  Praise your God and Savior for his outrageous grace.  Boldly defy the enemy who has lost the battle already.  Eat hearty at the table God has prepared before you in the presence of your enemies and drink from your overflowing cup.  His goodness and love do follow after you and go before you all the days of your destiny pursuing life!  For you belong in his house forever!! (from Psalm 23:5-6)

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